wordlist recommendation for rule-based attack
Disagree. Rockyou dictionary is nice but far not the best. The Hashkiller Output Wordlist combined with rockyou-30000 and best 64 is the best precompiled dictionary i've found yet. You can still do better but it already rocks a lot. And who knows, maybe it contains the Rockyou list anyway Wink

Though logistix is right, you need to know what and who you attack. Real password lists are fine to get a lot pwds fast, but depending on whom you wanna attack, constructed word lists with normal words of lots of languages (+real names, surnames, cities etc. you name it) combined with clever rules can be much more effective to cover all sorts of common password contructions. It's just a wide field and, disagree with logistix, by far more worth than stuffing another GC in your rack.

There is a very good explanation I think by philsmd how he thinks a good wordlist should be build and how you do that. But I'm too lazy to look for it now, you find it somewhere here in the forum.

Personally I didn't try princeprocessor yet and have it on my task list. Curious how it compares to a "normal" pattern of attack methods.

Messages In This Thread
RE: wordlist recommendation for rule-based attack - by Flomac - 02-23-2015, 12:59 AM