I have a hash I would like to crack, but am not sure what to put in the console. I looked through the wiki, but still haven't completely figured it out.
I want to basically bruteforce the hash, with these conditions:
This is what I put in command prompt:
cudaHashcat64 -m 7100 hash.txt -1 '?l?u`~!@ #$%^&*)(' -i -a 7
could someone tell me what the correct syntax would be for what I want? I'm guessing I should to mask attack, but that doesn't seem to be an option in oclHashcat.
I have a hash I would like to crack, but am not sure what to put in the console. I looked through the wiki, but still haven't completely figured it out.
I want to basically bruteforce the hash, with these conditions:
- each letter with charset '?l?u?`~!@ #$%^&' (In other words, all capital letters, lowercase letters, and some other characters)
- I also know that the password is 3-6 characters long.
This is what I put in command prompt:
cudaHashcat64 -m 7100 hash.txt -1 '?l?u`~!@ #$%^&*)(' -i -a 7
could someone tell me what the correct syntax would be for what I want? I'm guessing I should to mask attack, but that doesn't seem to be an option in oclHashcat.