Now "concentrate"+rules generate 2 316 340 000 password for hashcat via pipe. I think is sufficient load for Multi-GPU. (few hours to compute)
This 2 different method is contains absolutely same words. In application 2 i generate wordlist by this rule manually.
I want use much bigger rules. Since the resulting dictionary may take 200-300 GB. Сreation, sorting and regularly update this, will require huge resources, it does not make sense.
Therefore I want to use rules. But pipe speed is slow.
This 2 different method is contains absolutely same words. In application 2 i generate wordlist by this rule manually.
I want use much bigger rules. Since the resulting dictionary may take 200-300 GB. Сreation, sorting and regularly update this, will require huge resources, it does not make sense.
Therefore I want to use rules. But pipe speed is slow.