Correct syntax for oclHashcat when piping dictionary from samba share
No, it certainly doesn't run perfectly. Your command pipeline isn't doing what you think it's doing. Look at the output.

Problem 1: your whole smbclient command is failing. It is erroring out with "No such file or directory."

Problem 2: you're specifying -a 3 with a pipe. Pipe implies wordlist attack, but then you're explicitly telling hashcat to do a mask attack. This means everything being piped into hashcat will be ignored, as it will simply do a mask attack with the default mask.

Problem 3: because you've opened a pipe, stdin is not attached to the virtual terminal. That is why you can't check status / pause / bypass / etc.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Issue with checking status after oclhashcat starts - by epixoip - 03-17-2015, 03:57 AM