First of all, according to the forum rules you are not allowed to post hashes see
Second, the hash that you use corresponds to a password with 4 characters "aaa\n" where \n represents a new line.
The masked/obfuscated hash for "aaa" (without new line) is 47bXXXc74XX89f48XXXXd5XX9cXXX808
oclHashcat doesn't crack passwords of length 4 if you give it a 3 character long mask.
Second, the hash that you use corresponds to a password with 4 characters "aaa\n" where \n represents a new line.
The masked/obfuscated hash for "aaa" (without new line) is 47bXXXc74XX89f48XXXXd5XX9cXXX808
oclHashcat doesn't crack passwords of length 4 if you give it a 3 character long mask.