Hashcat and Sandisk Secure Access
(04-21-2015, 06:43 AM)epixoip Wrote: How exactly did you extract these hashes? Did you follow some tutorial or documentation that describes the encryption technology used on this device?

Typically with FDE there are no hashes; the password is passed through a key derivation function (KDF) to generate an encryption key, which is used to encrypt the "real" encryption key. The only way to know if the correct password has been supplied is to attempt to decrypt the master key then use the decrypted master key to unlock the device.
I will do more research. So are you talking about hardware encryption?
I got the information from a ui.res (resources) file. I am trying to attach a picture. It says, controlTest="8b*********" . then below that there is a control="64*************" Since you know a lot about hardware, I have an old Western Digital my passport drive. I encrypted that then the drive went back. Is there any way to get the data off? I have the password, but the chip that did the encrypting went bad.

Messages In This Thread
Hashcat and Sandisk Secure Access - by timp69 - 04-21-2015, 04:17 AM
RE: Hashcat and Sandisk Secure Access - by timp69 - 04-21-2015, 04:28 AM
RE: Hashcat and Sandisk Secure Access - by timp69 - 04-21-2015, 04:57 PM