Where to go from here? | 88.97% completion
You guys have been so helpful in the past. I am just looking for a little insight into my current list.

I am at 88.97% cracked and would like to see some more progress on this list. It is NTLM and am not sure where to go from here.

AD requires a minimum 6 letter/symbol/number/upper combo, below are my febel attempts crack whats left.

-I have brute forced key space 6 to 8. (took 10 days on my home rig)
-Ran all the rules that came with oclHC against a wordlist I have and known human passwords list
-Ran some rules from KoreLogic

Thoughts on the next steps? I have never gotten such high completion with such a list and this is killing me. I know one of my options is to generate a custom mask based off organization name but I have more reading to do on that. I am just wondering if there is something I should do first. Thanks.

Messages In This Thread
Where to go from here? | 88.97% completion - by skillskills - 06-23-2015, 09:21 PM