09-04-2015, 10:56 PM
I've had similar issues with our amd workstations at the office. Some things to consider:
1. The apu might be faulty. I had one that caused frequent crashes. Thought it was the mobo so went to th reseller, but they found out it was a damaged apu.
2. Disable Core C6 state in the bios/uefi. It's been a stability improvement for me.
3. If on the proprietary AMD display driver:
Disable the DPMS and install/use xscreensaver software screensaver instead.
Add these three lines to "~/.xsession" (or where ever you add startup events to some new mac style desktop environment):
xset -dpms &
xset s off &
/usr/bin/xscreensaver -no-splash &
Set this option in the "Monitor" section of "/etc/X11/xorg.conf":
Option "DPMS" "false"
Finally configure xscreensaver to use 'Mode: Blank Screen Only', do NOT enable any 'Display Power Management' and uncheck 'Fading and Colormaps (to get a cleaner look without fading effects).
1. The apu might be faulty. I had one that caused frequent crashes. Thought it was the mobo so went to th reseller, but they found out it was a damaged apu.
2. Disable Core C6 state in the bios/uefi. It's been a stability improvement for me.
3. If on the proprietary AMD display driver:
Disable the DPMS and install/use xscreensaver software screensaver instead.
Add these three lines to "~/.xsession" (or where ever you add startup events to some new mac style desktop environment):
xset -dpms &
xset s off &
/usr/bin/xscreensaver -no-splash &
Set this option in the "Monitor" section of "/etc/X11/xorg.conf":
Option "DPMS" "false"
Finally configure xscreensaver to use 'Mode: Blank Screen Only', do NOT enable any 'Display Power Management' and uncheck 'Fading and Colormaps (to get a cleaner look without fading effects).