Budget Machine for oclHashcat (noob)
1. CPU doesn't matter if you're doing pure *hashcat. If you want to do JtR as well, you might want some CPU.

2. Ignore Radeon. Go NVIDIA. Best bang for buck right now is the GTX 970. For best results, get either a reference GTX 970 (hard to come by), or a close analog:
Oct 03 13:12:33 <epixoip> MSI GTX 970 4GD5 OC or ASUS TURBO-GTX970-OC-4GD5 are good substitutes for the reference design. If you can recycle other hardware, a GTX 980 might even fit your budget.

3. Search for cooling tips in the older (~2013) Bitcoin forums. They did a lot of work in that era on GPU care and feeding. If you're going to run a long-running hashcat job, consider locking the fans at a speed that keeps them cool enough. Simplest to just run them full tilt, but you can get by with locking them at 50% if you're monitoring them regularly and the room is generally cool. Locking fan speed is Googlable. It can be tricky on Linux but is doable.


Other considerations:

- Since you're doing low-budget, you might consider Linux as an OS if you have any non-cracking tech fu.
- Also, please consult the FAQ, especially
https://hashcat.net/wiki/doku.php?id=fre...s#hardware, and the "how to run hashcat" basic stuff once your hardware is assembled.

Good luck!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Budget Machine for oclHashcat (noob) - by royce - 10-15-2015, 05:49 AM