Can any forensic tool discern the password length?
Hi all,

I have been using hashcat a little while, and I am familiar with similar tools,  jtr and pyrit.
I've also started using The-Distribution-Which-Does-Not-Handle-OpenCL-Well (Kali)'s crunch, wifite, fern, etc.

This is perhaps not so much a question about hashcat per se, but a general question about the collective attack tools (The-Distribution-Which-Does-Not-Handle-OpenCL-Well (Kali), hashcat, etc.)

I am testing cracking on  a wpa2 wireless network hash, and one thing that would be extremely useful in a brute-force attack is if any of these tools could discern the actual, specific length of the target password- i.e, "10 characters",  "25 characters", etc., so one could know and plan the attack accordingly.
Is that possible with any of the tools?
It's one thing to have to make 95^10 or 95^25 guesses, but another to have to add them all up in between- 95^10 +95^11+....95^25 is loads more work/time and processing.

Thanks ahead!

Messages In This Thread
Can any forensic tool discern the password length? - by basskleff - 11-04-2015, 03:36 AM