Problem using rules to append word from memory
Xanadrel, thanks for the reply and for the testing!

As you have guessed, i really didn't notice the warning messages... =P

And my second mistake was that i was first trying to crack NTML hashes with oclHashcat, did the test using md5, kept alternating between the two, and i probably didn't choose the hash correctly when trying with CPU Hashcat. 
Since the hashes have the same size, there was no errors/warning, but no cracking also...

Everything is perfect now, i've cracked the hashes i wanted in seconds instead of hours, and learned new ways to use the rules =).
BTW, i'm using this rule to try to crack some CMIYC hashes.

Thanks and congratulations for developing this amazing cracker!

ps. You will probably want to update the rules wiki page ; )

Messages In This Thread
RE: Problem using rules to append word from memory - by andressito - 11-18-2015, 10:14 PM