unable to crack scrypt digest

I am trying to crack scrypt digests. I am creating my own digests using the python library pyscrypt for that.

the python script:
b64encode(pyscrypt.hash(password="hashcat", salt="salt", N=1024,r=1,p=1,dkLen=32))

which gives:

my cudaHashcat command on my windows machine is:

cudaHashcat64.exe -m8900 SCRYPT:1024:1:1:salt:oDLxfd3z2gOBjdQMAy9M+uSzGiLwOlNwmSgLSihkgm8= rockyou.t

the crack is exhausted even though I have added 'hashcat' to the rockyou.txt dictionary

P.S. I was able to successfully crack the SCRYPT example shown on the hashcat hash examples page

Could some one please tell me why my digest don't crack

Messages In This Thread
unable to crack scrypt digest - by dominator_sd - 03-27-2016, 01:23 PM
RE: unable to crack scrypt digest - by Xanadrel - 03-27-2016, 01:39 PM