04-08-2016, 04:44 PM
Well 1075 Mhz is the "Average Boost" not the "Max Boost." A stock, non-SC Titan X will run at 1215 Mhz when cracking with oclHashcat. And as you know FP16 etc are worthless for password cracking
The 1515 Mhz is reported by ''nvidia-settings -q GPUCurrentClockFreqs'' while running oclHashcat. I have no reason to believe this is in any way unreliable.
Anyway it sounds like all this is moot because apparently Nvidia just announced there will not be a GTX card released based on the GP100. So now we're back to having no idea what a GTX Pascal chip will look like.
The 1515 Mhz is reported by ''nvidia-settings -q GPUCurrentClockFreqs'' while running oclHashcat. I have no reason to believe this is in any way unreliable.
Anyway it sounds like all this is moot because apparently Nvidia just announced there will not be a GTX card released based on the GP100. So now we're back to having no idea what a GTX Pascal chip will look like.