NetNTLMv2 Cyrillic symbols issue
The linked site from rura works for the most algorithm like MD5, WPA, etc, but you can't crack 8bit passwords on algorithms which do the unicode conversion inside the algorithm itself. In that case the zero bytes are always added. This would require a kernel change to make it possible

Messages In This Thread
NetNTLMv2 Cyrillic symbols issue - by laren - 05-06-2016, 03:23 PM
RE: NetNTLMv2 Cyrillic symbols issue - by epixoip - 05-06-2016, 06:11 PM
RE: NetNTLMv2 Cyrillic symbols issue - by laren - 05-07-2016, 06:35 PM
RE: NetNTLMv2 Cyrillic symbols issue - by laren - 05-11-2016, 07:24 AM
RE: NetNTLMv2 Cyrillic symbols issue - by atom - 05-13-2016, 03:09 PM