Noob: Cracking SHA1 with known partial
Thanks Epixoip.

I'm now home which allows me to try to do this properly - with cudaHashcat 2.01 against my 2x GTX970's.

After patching my windows registry to avoid the errors i believe I am ready to get cracking.

Problem is that cudahashcat is now skipping my mask because "it is larger than the maximum password length" - Am i doing something wrong here?

Command: cudaHashcat64.exe -m 100 -a 3 --custom-charset1=?u?l?d hashes.txt mask.hcmask -o hash_cracked.txt
Input.Mode.....: Mask (ZZZ0430|?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1|0|Test Reference|1.00|20160518055758)

Any help in kicking this process off would be amazing.

P.S. I did read this: and still have no idea if what I'm doing should/shouldn't work

Messages In This Thread
RE: Noob: Cracking SHA1 with known partial - by Warminded - 05-19-2016, 10:00 AM