Best approach for [capitalised word] [capitalised word] [1 to 99]
I've got a word list, and I wanted to write a set of rules to take two words from the dictionary, capitalise the first words first letter, and then add numbers from 0 through 99 at the end.
Say our dictionary has two words, "aardvark", and "ball".

... all the way to 99....
ballball99.... [end]

I thought it was a hybrid attack, a dictionary word plus the rule ?d?d, but that's only lowercase words in my dictionary, and it only does one word in length. Ok, but not the double word I wanted!

No luck.

I tried learning rules, which I got some familiarity with, but when I tried using them with a "combinator attack" - where I use the same dictionary twice to produce a word/word keyspace:

..\cudaHashcat-2.01\cudaHashcat64.exe  -m 1000 -a 1 ntlm.hash english.dic english.dic -j '$c' -r ..\cudaHashcat-2.01\rules\hybrid\append_d.rule --session=ntlm --outfile-format=15 --outfile=passwords.txt

"Error: english.dic: empty file" - the file isn't empt, so my command line switches must be wrong. =(

I added the -r switch to use rules:

..\cudaHashcat-2.01\cudaHashcat64.exe  -m 1000 -a 1 ntlm.hash english.dic english.dic -r -j '$c' -k ..\cudaHashcat-2.01\rules\hybrid\append_d.rule --session=ntlm --outfile-format=15 --outfile=passwords.txt

"Error: Use of rules-file............ only allowed in attack-mode 0"

..\cudaHashcat-2.01\cudaHashcat64.exe  -m 1000 -a 1 ntlm.hash english.dic english.dic -r -j '$c' -k ..\cudaHashcat-2.01\rules\hybrid\append_d.rule --session=ntlm --outfile-format=15 --outfile=passwords.txt

"ERROR: -j: No such file or directory" - Looks like I can't use the switch -r to turn on rules and use left/right rules.

I used:
Bigbird1 : 1C7ED549326133D9E9287415B99C8789
Smallhouse5 : E182A4FEF70F5CA2D962D0BEC45582B5

I didn't try for capital word/capital word, and two digits - as I can't get this one working.

Messages In This Thread
Best approach for [capitalised word] [capitalised word] [1 to 99] - by SarahC - 05-29-2016, 01:40 PM