ERROR: clCreateContext(): CL_UNKNOWN_ERROR
(09-21-2016, 02:53 AM)KhanKrum Wrote: Predator, I've found a solution! I suppose you are running Debian or Ubuntu based system...
1. If you don't have it already - install synaptic
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install synaptic
2. Open Synaptic and do a search for packages with version "367.44-1" , than install all of them without the package "libgl1-nvidia-glx"
3. At last I have installed  :
diffstat (1.61-1)
libegl1-nvidia (367.44-1)
libgles1-nvidia (367.44-1)
libgles2-nvidia (367.44-1)
libnvidia-egl-wayland (367.44-1)
libnvidia-encode1 (367.44-1)
libnvidia-fbc1 (367.44-1)
libnvidia-ifr1 (367.44-1)
libnvidia-ptxjitcompiler (367.44-1)
module-assistant (0.11.9)
nvidia-kernel-source (367.44-1)
nvidia-libopencl1 (367.44-1)
nvidia-smi (367.44-1)
quilt (0.63-5)

and removed:

The result:
hashcat -m 2500 -b
hashcat (v3.10) starting in benchmark-mode...

OpenCL Platform #1: NVIDIA Corporation
- Device #1: GeForce GTX 750 Ti, 499/1999 MB allocatable, 5MCU

OpenCL Platform #2: Mesa, skipped! No OpenCL compatible devices found

Hashtype: WPA/WPA2

Speed.Dev.#1.:    71542 H/s (89.15ms)

Started: Wed Sep 21 03:09:41 2016
Stopped: Wed Sep 21 03:09:51 2016

thanks for the update

Messages In This Thread
RE: ERROR: clCreateContext(): CL_UNKNOWN_ERROR. Resolved! - by kiara - 09-21-2016, 08:32 PM