10-09-2016, 08:37 AM
well , it depend how much money u want spent for it..
if u are willing to give good bucks for it i guess u could find some ppl that will do it for ya.
try to search in insidepro or hashkiller forums, they are some teams (like team hashcat or CynoSure Prime ,etc..) that combine gpu power for competitions or challenges , perhaps if u convice all of them to help u out (i guess with some money to..) just perhaps u will be able to do that. but its a difficult task, ur keyspace that u asking for is huge.
try some social engineering
if u are willing to give good bucks for it i guess u could find some ppl that will do it for ya.
try to search in insidepro or hashkiller forums, they are some teams (like team hashcat or CynoSure Prime ,etc..) that combine gpu power for competitions or challenges , perhaps if u convice all of them to help u out (i guess with some money to..) just perhaps u will be able to do that. but its a difficult task, ur keyspace that u asking for is huge.
try some social engineering