Berkely DB Hash what format?
(11-17-2016, 12:48 PM)heltprofesjonell Wrote: I am trying to access my old passwords in a very old vsftp server, that  uses Berkely DB hash to store the usernames and password in a database in the format username:paswhash

any idea how I can procede to brute force this one?

In Ubuntu, "sudo apt-get install db-util"

The "db_dump" command from that package might get you somewhere.  Also, db_dump might already be on the target system.  You will need to locate the .db file, wherever that is.

Also, this is really a forum for hashcat, not methods on getting hashes.  Try Google next time.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Berkely DB Hash what format? - by devilsadvocate - 11-18-2016, 03:48 PM