need help with markov chain, or possibly another solution for decrypt of AES-256
I was just trying to say that you should test your script/code/tool (that you use to decrypt+verify) with a sample data consisting of a key
with that specific pattern, the plaintext that you are searching for and the encrypted version of the plaintext.

Of course, just for testing if you approach/tool works, you do not need to try with all the 2^32 password candidates, but a very small subset of it (including the correct key) should suffice, just to make sure that your perl/python/C/whatever code works correctly.

... and yes, testing the decrypted data for a substring might work as well (but it shouldn't be too short, it should be at least 3-4 bytes long).

something like this might work to get an idea, linux bash shell script and/or perl version (don't blame me for this, it's just a very quickly coded POC, it could be that you might need to change some minor details about AES, padding etc)

# Example (change these lines)

# example 1 (key is 7c6801007c6801007c6801007c6801007c6801007c6801007c6801007c680100):


# example 2 (key is 0000123400001234000012340000123400001234000012340000123400001234):


# Start

cores=$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo)

keyspace=4294967296 # 2^32
part=$((${keyspace} / ${cores}))


for i in $(seq 1 ${cores})

  if [ "${i}" -eq ${cores} ]
    end=${keyspace} # last one!
    end=$((${offset} + ${part}))


    #while [ ${j} -le ${end} ]
    #  word=$(printf "%08x" ${j})

    #  echo -en "${ciphertext}" | openssl enc -d -aes-256-ecb -K ${word}${word}${word}${word}${word}${word}${word}${word} 2>/dev/null | fgrep -q "${search_string}"

    #  if [ "${?}" -eq 0 ]
    #  then
    #    echo "key found: ${word}${word}${word}${word}${word}${word}${word}${word}"
    #  fi

    #  j=$((${j} + 1))

    perl -MCrypt::Mode::ECB -e "my \$c = Crypt::Mode::ECB->new ('AES'); for (my \$i = ${begin}; \$i <= ${end}; \$i++) { my \$word = sprintf ('%08x', \$i); my \$key = pack ('H*', \$word x 8); my \$out = \$c->decrypt (\"$ciphertext\", \$key); if (\$out =~ m/${search_string}/) { print 'key found: ' . (\$word x 8) . \"\n\"; last; }}"

  ) &

  offset=$((${end} + 1))

echo "decrypting..."

for j in $(jobs -p)
  wait ${j}

Messages In This Thread
RE: need help with markov chain, or possibly another solution for decrypt of AES-256 - by philsmd - 05-27-2017, 09:58 PM