05-30-2017, 02:25 AM
So, in case anyone else is looking at this, the script works perfectly when using the test data; the correct key is the output; however, the AES encryption of "teststring" is not the same as the ciphertext (when checking with online calculators). Example one is 5d5d30e9ac160f494ae0c95fbbb0309c and example two is F83DC97B12F4C8C124351F80D9C0CF8A. So if the ciphertext is not the hex representation of the encrypted data, then what am I doing wrong here? I've beat myself up trying to figure it out. I tried hashing the encrypted equivalent with SHA1 and many other hashing algorithms, and nothing comes close. I must be missing some sort of conversion that I need to perform on the raw hex to obtain the ciphertext value.