The Fields are IMHO:
16786: The number of days (since January 1, 1970) since the password was last changed.
0: The number of days before password may be changed (0 indicates it may be changed at any time)
99999: The number of days after which password must be changed (99999 indicates user can keep his or her password unchanged for many, many years
7 : The number of days to warn user of an expiring password (7 for a full week)
16786: The number of days (since January 1, 1970) since the password was last changed.
0: The number of days before password may be changed (0 indicates it may be changed at any time)
99999: The number of days after which password must be changed (99999 indicates user can keep his or her password unchanged for many, many years
7 : The number of days to warn user of an expiring password (7 for a full week)