oclHashcat-plus v0.06 - add support for md5($pass.$salt)
Could this be alleviated instead by a documentation change?
for instance:

md5($pass.$salt): Joomla vX1 to vY1+, App2 vX2 to vY2+, App3 vX3 to vY3+. This is a single md5 hash of the password and salt concatenated together (in that order). The hash file format must be: xxxxSyyyy, where xxxx is the 0 to N character password in (ASCII/HEX/etc), S is a <symbol>, and yyyy is the 0 to N character salt in in (ASCII/HEX/etc) format.

Alternately, specify the apps first, and put the generic explanation last.

Messages In This Thread
RE: oclHashcat-plus v0.06 - add support for md5($pass.$salt) - by Incisive - 12-20-2011, 04:49 PM