@Kangaroot: not wise to post your own password hash on these forums, especially if you're admitting to password reuse.
Anyway, with a proper hash:plain pair this is super simple to reverse engineer. As @DanielG mentioned this is base64 encoding with the padding stripped off. Add back the padding, re-encode as hex:
The salt doesn't appear to be encoded so we can assume it's a literal value.
So now we just start making logical guesses as to what the algorithm might be. First logical guess is sha512(pass.salt):
Aaaaand we have a winner.
Anyway, with a proper hash:plain pair this is super simple to reverse engineer. As @DanielG mentioned this is base64 encoding with the padding stripped off. Add back the padding, re-encode as hex:
epixoip ~ $ echo -n 1NeXFGujmgkMtIfkntNPkeFKHYU1Dxf3GtK8/uGR8t3M4ouQoZob+VTjtzO4NIB9T4L9VEB0eFIA8jPdAO5cVg== | base64 -d | xxd -p -c 1024
The salt doesn't appear to be encoded so we can assume it's a literal value.
So now we just start making logical guesses as to what the algorithm might be. First logical guess is sha512(pass.salt):
epixoip ~ $ echo -n 'Password123D}SAM}naWQNHtD1)JFOU*KfZF!0qydU.' | sha512sum
d4d797146ba39a090cb487e49ed34f91e14a1d85350f17f71ad2bcfee191f2ddcce28b90a19a1bf954e3b733b834807d4f82fd544074785200f233dd00ee5c56 *-
Aaaaand we have a winner.