(01-02-2012, 06:51 PM)chort Wrote: I did that for my HD 5870 too, but I noticed it was a lot slower than expected when doing dictionary attacks on MD5.
My post was regarding WPA as mentioned above. Meaning hccap files.

(01-02-2012, 06:51 PM)chort Wrote: I think I heard correctly that GPU RAM:
1.) Doesn't matter for brute-force
2.) Does matter for dictionary
So adjust RAM clock accordingly.
I understand it is more to do with the speed of the algorithm rather than dictionary or bruteforce. I may be wrong though.
WPA (hccap) is a slow algorithm so there is little or no reduction in performance when I reduce my RAM speed.
Almost forgot to mention, now my temperatures are down I have been able to overclock more aggressively, perhaps this may be possible for you chort when cracking MD5 ?