Trying to increase performance of mask attack with a two character prefix
The next time you can complete 10^16 on salted md5 fast enough to win a round, let me know. You are looking forĀ  2.77TH/s if the round wait time is roughly an HOUR long. That's 2777000000000 attempts per second to complete the keyspace in an HOUR. Not even in the same league as your achieved max of 650Mh/s(650000000). That's 75 1080Tis or something roughly in that general area of power. And, on top of this being absolutely infeasible, you literally just admitted that you were trying to hack a gambling site. This is not a hacking forum. Please take stuff like this somewhere else.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Trying to increase performance of mask attack with a two character prefix - by Chick3nman - 01-29-2018, 07:41 AM