Cracking partial hex seed for Ethreum Presale
phil: Sorry.  I was being silly.  I meant hex characters between 0 and F not full bytes, so (2^4)^5 =1048576.  These could be at any one of C(64, 5) = 7624512, so a space of approximately 8*10^12.

I am travelling for July and August and am willing to devote my deep learning machine with 1080Ti to the task, which should be able to pull ~1.5*10^6 checks/second, which brings the number of seconds to less than I've spent trying every every possible permutation of errors on the password I could have sworn I used.

The 0X02 as part of the ethereum presale is numerically added to the seed prior to hashing.

Ideally, I'd like to be able to feed in 0123ABC[0-F]87A[0-F]... etc. for every possible insertion point.

atom: Thank you, but I am trying to crack the seed of the bkp component, having had no luck with encseed.  I see a perl script here: which appears to process the output of  I could modify said perl script to accept a candidate seed, add 0x02 to it and compare the KeccakSHA3 of the result, but wasn't certain sure whether it was possible to use custom rules like that.

As you can see, I'm fairly unfamiliar with the hashcating game.  Thank you both for the info so far.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Cracking partial hex seed for Ethreum Presale - by uprising_bike - 06-29-2018, 05:35 PM