hashcat deletes restore on CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES
my current guess is that the problem is that the status is set to exhausted incorrectly (in this particular case because of the previous error) here:

It would be interesting to know what the previous status_ctx->devices_status value is (before it was automatically/forcefully set to exhausted).

of course in case of exhausted we do not need a restore file anymore, therefore it is deleted... but the problem is that the status shouldn't be set to exhausted in this case.

The main problem (i.e. why you get the original error message about the resource problem) would be also interesting to track down... but I would suggest investigating one problem at a time and I'm also not aware of any other user randomly getting those resource errors even if the timeout patch was applied (which might inidicate a problem with your specific setup/drivers/hardware etc).

Messages In This Thread
RE: hashcat deletes restore on CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES - by philsmd - 07-09-2018, 10:07 PM