Hash bitcoin brain wallet address from passphase?
(07-13-2018, 12:05 PM)philsmd Wrote: oh. we are suddently speaking about brain wallets? The OP didn't mention that and the other post was modified to include "brain wallet". Yeah, that's a different story.

Nevermind, the title says it too. I missed that. sorry

Therefore, if you are sure that it is just a sha256 hash, it could be feasible with a lot of hardware. What is your character set?
The number of combinations 53981544960 seems quite strange for 6 characters because that is something like 61^6 = 51520374361 but not exactly

it use all upper, lower & numeric characters, no special chars. Oh i calculate wrong, i used 64 instead of 61

Messages In This Thread
RE: Hash bitcoin brain wallet address from passphase? - by kangduwang - 07-13-2018, 12:10 PM