Hahcat is using weird random combinations instead of the files on dicitonary
$HEX[2474406d66307264210d40313233] means that hashcat is trying to use the string 2474406d66307264210d40313233 in hexadecimal notation (it's in hexadecimal because there are some non-printable or "escaped" characters, like colons etc).

2474406d66307264210d40313233 stands for $t@mf0rd!\r@123
427279616e6164616d73313131390d40313233 stands for Bryanadams1119\r@123

as said, these strings are represented in hexadecimal instead of ascii/utf8 because they contain some special characters (in your case the carriage return character \r). You can use a hex to ascii/utf8 converted to analyze the password candidates.

I would guess this has to to with your rules and/or dict file. If you do not want to use these special characters like carriage return you need to modify your dicts/rules.
My guess is that everything works as intended it's just a misunderstanding

Messages In This Thread
RE: Hahcat is using weird random combinations instead of the files on dicitonary - by philsmd - 07-26-2018, 07:37 AM