09-27-2018, 05:21 PM
Great, 99% of your workflow is ok.
A valid PMK file includes only PMKs:
First, calculate your keyfile with
wlangenpmkocl -e Katarina -i wordlist -A pmkfile
Now remove the PSK
cut -c -64 foundpmk > pmklist
and feed hashcat with pmklist
If hashcat is able to crack the network, it will show you the correct PMK.
Now search your calculated pmkfile for the cracked PMK
cat pmkfile | grep d99893b4593b3abc4c1179bd70c6244072ae4521047d4c449ecf90e8b2b3501f
it will show you
A valid PMK file includes only PMKs:
First, calculate your keyfile with
wlangenpmkocl -e Katarina -i wordlist -A pmkfile
Now remove the PSK
cut -c -64 foundpmk > pmklist
and feed hashcat with pmklist
If hashcat is able to crack the network, it will show you the correct PMK.
Now search your calculated pmkfile for the cracked PMK
cat pmkfile | grep d99893b4593b3abc4c1179bd70c6244072ae4521047d4c449ecf90e8b2b3501f
it will show you