Parameters for crack ETH wallet password
Dear @philsmd

Thank you for instructions and suggestions.

I just start with this methos  last night. Still trying ...

So I remember my password "style" .  I am sure one of thats


But I don't remember number 12345678   between   GA -GA or ga ga.

I think it should be take a long time. 
Also  hashcat work very slow on my PC   (16GB ram , GTX 1080, i7-3770K)
Nvidia driver : 390.87 ,  Cuda 9.1

Ethereum, Scrypt algoritm   work just  100 H/s

May be I am use worse driver version . I'm not sure .
I've The-Distribution-Which-Does-Not-Handle-OpenCL-Well (Kali) 2018.3a and windows 10 with x64 platforms

Messages In This Thread
RE: Parameters for crack ETH wallet password - by Dozen - 10-01-2018, 03:52 AM