reading directories with dictionaries in combinator mode
It seems that in combinator mode (-a 1), there's no possibility to specify whole directory, so hashcat will take all the dictionaries from it, one by one, the way it does in straight mode (-a 0)

oclHashcat-plus64.bin -a 1 -o md5.txt md5res.txt "/pwrecovery/_sorted/" "/pwrecovery/atomtest/found.exp.8.txt"

It gives the following:
oclHashcat-plus v0.07 by atom starting...

Scanned dictionary /pwrecovery/atomtest/found.exp.8.txt: 3073206 bytes, 455299 words, 455299 keyspace, starting attack...
Scanning dictionary /pwrecovery/_sorted/: 0 bytes (0.00%), 0 words, 0 keyspace

I think it will be good to grab all the dictionaries from the folder (or folders, if the second "dictionary" will be actually a directory too) and mix them sequentially.

P.S.: Offtopic, but somewhat related: I usually create bash scripts with many lines to run hc pointed to different directories. When I break execution by CTRL+C (Putty), it breaks execution of current running hc, but not the whole script. I have to hold down CTRL+C for a while, to wait until it will break execution of all of them until the end of the script. Is it possible to break execution of .sh script?


Messages In This Thread
reading directories with dictionaries in combinator mode - by sono - 01-20-2012, 12:35 PM