PBKDF2-SHA256 Signature unmatched error

I am currently working on an assignment where we were given a few thousand of password hashes using various algorithms to crack.

One of the hashes is of signature PDKDF2-SHA256. 

I assumed it would use the mode 10900 (PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256), since this mode works for me in JTR.
The signature (?) prefix on each hash is "$pbkdf2-sha256$29000$".
I know 29000 is just the number of iterations, but running hashcat on my file gives me a "Signature unmatched" error for each line.
I've looked at the "--example" for anything implementing anything that contains "PBKDF2" and "SHA256", but none seem to match the format of the hashes I have.
The "hashid" utility tells me "PBKDF2-SHA256(Generic).
The salt digest (?) seems to be 23 characters long and the hash digest is 44 characters long, for each hash.

Thanks for your help Smile

Messages In This Thread
PBKDF2-SHA256 Signature unmatched error - by pbkdf2-fan - 10-03-2018, 02:07 PM