Hashcat not actually cracking the hash

I am in a course this semester about various hacking techniques and we are currently working with hashcat and some basic VMs our professor set up. I've run into an issue that has me stumped and my professor cannot recreate it. 

Version 4.2.1 running on The-Distribution-Which-Does-Not-Handle-OpenCL-Well (Kali) Linux in a VM environment on my Windows 10 machine via Oracle VM
I am taking a hash file I have (hash.txt) and running it against the basic John the Ripper password list we have. At first I was getting HEX output, and when I translated it I got the first line in the password.lst file, a comment about who made the list. Then I went in and deleted the comments and added the string --outfile-autohex-disable to my command. Now I didn't get hex, but I get the first line again, now password 12345. I know for a fact from running another form of password cracking that this is not the password. 

My professor took my file and entered the same command line I did <hashcat -m 1000 --force --potfile-disable --outfile-autohex-disable hash.txt /usr/share/john/password.lst> and it worked fine for him. 

I did a little searching and found a few other questions threads around with this same question, but all of them were closed because this seems to be unrecreatable. If anyone has any suggestions as to why this isn't working I would gladly appreciate the help. I can provide screen shots if needed but the contain the hash and I didn't want to break the forum rules. 

Thank you.

Messages In This Thread
Hashcat not actually cracking the hash - by bucketman86 - 04-23-2019, 04:43 AM