07-01-2019, 01:19 PM
(06-30-2019, 08:26 PM)3Pi0 Wrote: use instead
hashcat -a3 -m9600 doc.hash ?b
Sorry I gave the wrong example. You're right about the example I gave in my previous message.
But, there is actually a problem for some characters like 'ş'.
The password of the word document is just 'ş'. The hash is as follows:
JTR can crack it like I said before using the following command line:
john --mask=?b?b doc.hash
john --wordlist=utf-8.dict doc.hash
Hashcat cannot crack it. None of the single-byte mask, double-byte mask, dictionary utf-8, dictionary iso-8859-9 attacks work. The tried command lines are as follows:
hashcat -a3 -m9500 doc.hash ?b
hashcat -a3 -m9500 doc.hash ?b?b
hashcat -a0 -m9500 doc.hash utf-8.dict
hashcat -a0 -m9500 doc.hash iso-8859-9.dict
None of the above works.
utf-8.dict contains single line with character 'ş' (HEX C59F) on it
iso-8859-9.dict contains single line with character 'ş' (HEX FE) on it