07-31-2019, 12:03 PM
brain is most useful for so-called slow hashes ,therefore try with e.g. -m 3200 = bcrypt , sha256crypt, PBKDF2 etc
It's always a question on where the bottleneck is, if hashcat is too fast for the server, it's probably not a good idea to use brain if the server/connection is the bottleneck.
The main goal of brain is to avoid redundant work for slow hashes. therefore -m 0 is not a good choice to test/run
It's always a question on where the bottleneck is, if hashcat is too fast for the server, it's probably not a good idea to use brain if the server/connection is the bottleneck.
The main goal of brain is to avoid redundant work for slow hashes. therefore -m 0 is not a good choice to test/run