openssl AES256 with a common standardized Password-Based Key Derivation Function
Hello everyone,

i want to use hashcat to brute-force a password created by multibit classic bitcoin wallet. The wallet key backup uses the following openssl method to generate the backup:

openssl enc -p -aes-256-cbc -a -in \<plaintext file\> -out \<ciphertext file\> -pass pass:\<password\>

From my little knowledge, this is base64 decoded, salted with MD5 hash, so it could run really fast on GPUs.

In the multibit wiki, the followin is stated:

The whole private key file is encrypted. This uses AES256 with a common standardized Password-Based Key Derivation Function. For maximum compatibility I have used the same encryption methodology as in OpenSSL so you can also encrypt and decrypt the files using the command line utility 'openssl'.

Is it possible to use hashcat with it?

Messages In This Thread
openssl AES256 with a common standardized Password-Based Key Derivation Function - by derlange2k - 01-28-2020, 01:45 PM