which is the correct salt file format?
as atom already said, it is not possible to do this with NUL-bytes.

edit: sorry, i mixed the different hashcat versions.

with oclhashcat-* you can use the --hex-charset option with an appropriate mask.

this should work for the salt mask:

and for the password you simply prepend the password mask.
e.g. ?d?d?d?d?d?d?d?d0000000000000000

but this runs you into another problem: oclhashcat-* only supports plains up to 15 characters. So this will not work for your scenario.

Messages In This Thread
which is the correct salt file format? - by tlc - 02-21-2012, 03:01 PM
RE: which is the correct salt file format? - by undeath - 02-23-2012, 01:28 PM