Hashcating 7z passw
Hi all,

I've been pointed to this tool and forum on reddit. As way of short background story, I got myself in a bit of a predicament. Namely, I managed to mistype something in a 45 letter password I usually use when creating my .7z data backups. After making the archive I deleted the original files and can no longer recover them.

Now, this is not the first time I typed the password wrong when doing it fast, but this is the first time I checked fast and didn't see the error in the typed password when creating the archive, so it is possible that:
  1. I missed one or two of the letters in this password (omission)
  2. I typed 1 or two of the same letters (accidental repetition)
  3. I typed 1 or two of the letters located on the keyboard near the letters of the usual password (the curse of big fingers)
  4. Some combination of the above 3
It will be pretty easy to try the repetition and omission combinations, but the third one or combination of two would be quite a job.

I am absolutely sure in first 15 and last 10 letters of the password. I never get those wrong. That means I have to guess where I made the mistake in the middle part of typed password (20 lowercase letters) so I can unlock the archive.

As I know only the very basics of this area, I'm currently needing assistance with:

1. When I extract hash of the 7z archive with 7z2hashcat64-1.3 utility (89752 characters long), Hashcat gives me a  "Token length exception" error. What am I doing wrong here? Do I need another utility to extract the password hash?

2. From what I gather I would need to run a mask attack with a file where I would put all the possible combinations. To simplify, the text mask file would contain something like this:
Off course, it would be more complex (have more combinations).

In connection with this I have two questions:

a) Is there some tool where I can input the 123???789, and that this utility creates all the combinations for the mask file, (in the above case, the first 6 combinations)? Is https://github.com/hashcat/maskprocessor used for this?

b) Could you help me with coming up with the exact command line that would run this mask txt (combinations.hcmask) with the password hash txt (lost.hash)? All the letters I'm trying to find are lower case (?l)

So far, I got this:
-m 11600 -a 3 -o lost.hash combinations.hcmask

Messages In This Thread
Hashcating 7z passw - by angelicoq - 04-27-2020, 11:27 AM
RE: Hashcating 7z passw - by philsmd - 04-27-2020, 11:47 AM
RE: Hashcating 7z passw - by angelicoq - 04-27-2020, 06:17 PM
RE: Hashcating 7z passw - by undeath - 04-27-2020, 07:06 PM
RE: Hashcating 7z passw - by philsmd - 04-27-2020, 07:08 PM