Brute-Force custom character
Following up from your other deleted post, in which you said there are exactly 8 upper and 5 digits.

There are probably too many combinations to reasonably exhaust, but to model how many masks would be needed, you can use the `policygen` tool from the PACK toolkit:

Note that because of how policygen works, it will take a while to run.

$ policygen --minlength 13 --maxlength 13 --mindigit 5 --maxdigit 5 --minupper 8 --maxupper 8 -o 8upper5digit.masks

$ wc -l 8upper5digit.masks
1287 8upper5digit.masks

Each of these masks will take two weeks to run on a single GTX 1080:

... so that's about 49 years.

Messages In This Thread
Brute-Force custom character - by Nilon - 05-16-2020, 10:51 PM
RE: Brute-Force custom character - by undeath - 05-17-2020, 12:04 AM
RE: Brute-Force custom character - by royce - 05-20-2020, 04:07 AM