Extra Documentation needed + v6.0 Error compilation
This breakdown will give you some answers.

1. Your hardware is dates
2. Your using a mobile videocard which is not recommended for hashcracking.
3. Hashcat requires OpenCL 1.2 or higher & CUDA SDK for videocards in hashcat 6.0 which appears yours does not support.

As for your questions.
1. Difference between hashmode 22000 is the newer most reliable method for WPA2 where as 2500 is the old standard hccapx which is no longer used.
2.Download the most recent hcxtools and use hcxpcapngtool to convert your captures to the new format.
3. Using force will only cause more grief for troubleshooting as well as possibly cause faulty functionality of hashcat (not cracking known passwords for example)

In short, your hardware is too old for the newest rendition of hashcat.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Extra Documentation needed + v6.0 Error compilation - by slyexe - 07-03-2020, 09:33 PM