Intel i7 with 8 cores - just one core computing
read the --help output and see how the different supported device types can be enabled (--opencl-device-types or short -D, uppercase D)
-D 1,2

it's not always guaranteed that the CPU makes much of a difference and that the overall speed is much faster when enabling CPU AND GPU. It depends on many factors, but if all your CPU cores are busy cracking hashes, you could have a counterproductive effect i.e. that your host/CPU can't keep up with provinding your GPU(s) enough work if all CPU cores are busy. Again, it depends a lot and you could just test it and see how the speed changes.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Intel i7 with 8 cores - just one core computing - by philsmd - 07-09-2020, 09:39 PM