Why do you use --force in your command line ? That's probably the biggest problem here.
I didn't really understand what error you get. It's normal that a benchmark runs very quickly, it just tests the speed.
Did you use 7z2hashcat to extract the hash ? Did you try to run the example hash from https://hashcat.net/wiki/example_hashes (search for -m 11600)
Just noticed, that your -a 0 command also doesn't specify any word list file. You can't do a dictionary attack without a dictionary. You need to specify a file as a word list:
I didn't really understand what error you get. It's normal that a benchmark runs very quickly, it just tests the speed.
Did you use 7z2hashcat to extract the hash ? Did you try to run the example hash from https://hashcat.net/wiki/example_hashes (search for -m 11600)
Just noticed, that your -a 0 command also doesn't specify any word list file. You can't do a dictionary attack without a dictionary. You need to specify a file as a word list:
hashcat -m 11600 -a 0 -w 3 -r rules/best64.rule hash.txt dict.txt