Hashcat Rules and Multibit HD Hash

Can Hashcat crack a single Multibit HD (scrypt) hash placed in my hashes.txt file like this:


then run:
hashcat -m 22700 -a 3 hashes.txt rockyou.txt

What I'm getting at is it better for Hashcat to have some hashes already cracked that are mulitibit Hd to be able to crack the unknown hash or does it not matter?  I guess I don't understand how Hashcat "figures out" that a particular password it tries, matches the unknown hash.

Also, does anyone know how to write a rule for excluding only numbers in the rockyou.txt file?  For example, I don't want Hashcat to check passwords like 123456 or 654321 or any other number only combination passwords.  However, things like 123password or password123 are ok to be checked.  By the way, does anyone have experience cracking a multibit HD hash?  If so, what are the best rules for a human created password?  So far, no matter what I put for the command line for Hashcat with rules, rockyou.txt, etc., it's years to crack the hash! Of course, my machine is weak so I'm sure that has something to do with it.

Messages In This Thread
Hashcat Rules and Multibit HD Hash - by fatcat - 08-17-2020, 09:59 PM