--encoding-to utf16le
and this of course only works in a dictionary attack (-a 0), if you want to use -a 3 you would need to use the correct bytes with --hex-charset
if you want that all attack modes work, you need to change all the kernel files optimized/pure, -a 0, -a 1, -a 3
btw: it's also worth noting that encoding isn't actually that easy to understand and unfortunately one might easily come to very wrong conclusion, for instance, just look at this page here: , it clearly says that while in utf8 you encode it with c48d , in utf16le it's 0d01 . so this could really look confusing and wrong, but the conversion from c48d -> 0d01 is correct (you could also use tools like iconv or hashcat with --stdout -a 0 --encoding-from and --encoding-to etc)