Hashcat with password hints?
Hi I currently have a list of words/phrases (27 of them) that are most definately included in the password.

And the password is a combination of those 27 words (could be a combination of multiple of those words, but are used only once)

I have tried using princeprocessor and pipe it into hashcat, but looking at the candidate passwords that are piped into hashcat, it does not seem to be working as I thought. 

And since the password is longer than 9 characters, I do not need any candidates less than that. 

The command I used is as follows:

The file with the 27 words is : hints.txt
The hashfile : hash.txt

./pp64 hints.txt | hashcat -m 0 hash.txt 

The password is 100% one of the combination of the words in the hints.txt file.

Any tips or thoughts I can try?

Thank you in advance. 

Messages In This Thread
Hashcat with password hints? - by skagur0329 - 10-05-2020, 02:06 PM
RE: Hashcat with password hints? - by NoReply - 10-05-2020, 03:04 PM