02-02-2021, 07:50 AM
hashcat -I will tell you all devices.
If device 1 is a gfx card it won’t work. I suspect you need opencl drivers and then use -D2.1 or something along those lines.
If device 1 is a gfx card it won’t work. I suspect you need opencl drivers and then use -D2.1 or something along those lines.
(02-02-2021, 06:34 AM)XedLos Wrote: So I have been trying to brute force ethereum password. I have tow keystore files which were made a minute apart. For the newer one I was able to guess my password but the one that was created a minute before I didnt have luck.
Any way so I am trying to run hashcat and I get the bellow error
Quote:cuFunSetAttribute is missing from CUDA shared library.
* Device #1: This device's local mem size is too small
*Device #1: CUDA SDK Toolkit installation NOT detected
CUDA SDK Toolkit installation required for proper device support and utilization
Falling back to OpenCL Runtime
No devices found/left
Any ideas what this error is? I though my code was to use the CPU but not sure why its using the GPU. Maybe just install the CUDA SDK toolkit?
This is the command I was running
Code:Command-line: hashcat64.exe -m 15700 --force -D1 hashcode.txt password.txt -w3 -r rules\dive.rule