Best dictionary and rule for wallets
I have been playing with hashcat a lot to refind my wallet password. I even upgraded to a RTX 3090 and went through several dictionaries with no luck so far.

I understand that speeding up the process through rules and piping is not possible because the hashing algoritm for wallets is already so slow that the GPU does not run out of things to do. Right? So faster then a plain dictionary attack is not possible.

Still I believe that a great combination of dictionary and rules file is the way to go forward. But it is very hard to find information on this. In hashcat there are several rule files included but there is no description of what they are intended to do.

So my questions is: What dictionary and/or rule file do you recomment for wallets?

Messages In This Thread
Best dictionary and rule for wallets - by Hasher007 - 02-26-2021, 05:08 PM