Yeah, sorry about the cryptic last part.
I meant to answer james123's statement that CPUs will be to slow anyway.
I will be using my new GPUs who will probably be able to generate 350 000 WPA hashes/s
Hopefully this will be enough to chew through all the possible combinations in not too long time.
another user have created a python script that generates cleartext-keys that fill the requirements that I can pass through to hashcat.
However the pythonscript itself is being a bottleneck and I end up running about 60 000 WPA hashes/s.
I meant to answer james123's statement that CPUs will be to slow anyway.
I will be using my new GPUs who will probably be able to generate 350 000 WPA hashes/s
Hopefully this will be enough to chew through all the possible combinations in not too long time.
another user have created a python script that generates cleartext-keys that fill the requirements that I can pass through to hashcat.
However the pythonscript itself is being a bottleneck and I end up running about 60 000 WPA hashes/s.